Friday, May 30, 2008

Commander Gree Custom Clone on Kashyyyk

This is a super articulated clone turned into Commander Gree.

On the planet of Kashyyyk, Commander Gree serves Jedi Master Yoda and helps the Wookiees fight the invading Separatists. When the secret Order 66 is issued, Commander Gree suddenly turns on the Jedi, but Yoda senses his betrayal and quickly eliminates him.

Commander Gree, originally designated CC 1004, became an early beneficiary of a special clone commander training program that encouraged more individuality and independent thought than allowed in average clones. CC 1004 was selected partially for his intense interest in obscure alien cultures. To emphasize the unique nature of his individuality, CC 1004 took the name Gree, in reference to a little-known Republic species.

In deference to his unusual knowledge base, Commander Gree's camouflage-clad 41st Elite Corps deployed to worlds with indigenous species. He served under Yoda on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Loyal to the Republic to the end, the Commander lost his life to the Jedi Master while attempting to carry out Order 66.

Commander Gree's unique alien knowledge and rapport makes him the centerpiece of a combined Wookiee and Clone Trooper squad. He gives bonuses to non-Unique Wookiees and Trooper followers, decreasing some costs and increasing their speed. Some of his Trooper followers do not provoke attacks of opportunity, allowing them greater maneuverability on a congested battlefield. from his minature profile

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